Sunday, December 29, 2019

Analysis Of The Movie House - 1311 Words

â€Å"When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.† Everything in my life had been improving! Darry and I rarely fought, instead of tension, there was a connection. Even though he never said it, I could tell he felt it too. I was still thinking about Johnny a ton (it had been 7 weeks since he had died), but I had accepted that he wasn t with us physically. I kept him in my heart, and instead of grieving, I remembered all of our fun times together. Moving on, school was better than ever. After I turned in my essay, it made its way up to the school board. They sent a copy home with each kid, so the parents would know what really happened. The truth was revealed, and I made some good buddies, who didn t care if I was a Greaser, or a Soc, or a middle man. My grades were back to straight A’s and Darry was as proud as can be. I had to quit track, in order to make time for footb all. I’m was and still am the starting running back on my high school football team, and Darry had just quit one of his jobs, when he got offered the position of head coach. He was still fixing roofs, and coaching football at the same time. Darry was happy, he had found a way to follow his dreams. That was last month. By the end of this week, our lives had changed! One random Thursday, after Darry came home from roofing, he told Sodapop and I, about the lady he had met at the house he was roofing, â€Å"ThisShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Dream House 789 Words   |  4 PagesDiagnostics In this assignment a character, Will Atenton, from the movie Dream House will be evaluated for a mental health disorder.   Will displays a number of odd behaviors throughout the movie, which causes one to question his mental health status. Specifically, symptoms of delusional disorder will be discussed and treatment will be offered.    Dream House is a movie about a man named Will Atenton who lives with his family, including his daughters, and seems to have a â€Å"typical† life. He has a successfulRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Doll House 954 Words   |  4 Pagestrend.† In Doll House there is a rich white family consisting of a mother, father, a maid, and three small children. This story takes place in 1879. Nora and her family is picture perfect, they are rich since the husband is a lawyer. Fences is about the story of a black working class family that takes place in 1985 focusing on Rose and Troy, a black struggling with money. Both couples have problems in each relationship within themselves that takes a turn for the worst. In Doll House we see that NoraRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie House Of Cards 1448 Words   |  6 Pages House of Cards is a Netflix produced television show starring Kevin Spacey, as the ruthless protagonist Frank Underwood. It primarily focuses on Underwood s relentless pursuit of power and following his journey climbing the Washington Political ladder. He goes from House Congressional Whip, to finally president at the end of season 2. The show itself represents a critical and cynical look at US politics. This is further proven by the fact that Frank Underwood thrives in this system. The main critiquesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie House Of Cards 2042 Words   |  9 PagesThere are two kinds of pain: The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort of pain that s only suffering. I have no patience for useless things†. This opening quote from the Netflix original series, House of Cards, sets the tone for the ultimate theme of power displayed over the course of the show. The main character, Frank Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey, first speaks to the audience after mercilessly killing his neighbor’s dog after it was hit by a car. Because the dogRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie A Doll s House 877 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"A Doll’s House† is a British movie filmed in 1973. Nora has spent her enter life living under the rules of her late father and authoritarian husband, Torvald. Years earlier Nora committed forgery by signing her father’s name in order to borrow money from a man named Krogstad. Nora’s husband was dying and she needed the money to take a trip to Italy to save him. Now she is being blackmailed and lives in fear of her husband discovering what she has done. But when the truth is revealed Nora findsRead MoreA Dolls House Play And Movie Analysis852 Words   |  4 PagesCompare and Contrast the Play â€Å"A Doll’s House† To the Movie Introduction The play â€Å"A Dolls House† by Henrik Ibsen was written in 1879. Joseph Losey and Patrick garland in 1973 used the play to adopt a movie version of the play going by the same name. The cast in the movies depicted the characters in the play as described by Henrik Ibsen. This essay will analyze the similarities and the differences between the play by Henrik Ibsen and the films adopted from the play by Joseph Losey and Patrick garlandRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The House On 92nd Street 801 Words   |  4 PagesNagasaki and Hiroshima. The photographs gave Americans the first look of the after effects of an atomic bomb in that period. Many Hollywood movie producers and script writers put the atomic bombs attack that occurred in Hiroshima in films. The movie The House on 92nd Street aired in 1945 and became the first ever feature film to incorporate a nuclear bomb. In the movie, Nazi agents work in the city of New York during the Second World War where they searched for â⠂¬Å"Process 97† which was allegedly the mainRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie A Doll s House 1070 Words   |  5 PagesIn A Doll’s House, directed by Patrick Garland, the movie revolves around a loving housewife named Nora Helmer living in a high class society in Norway, under the roof of her husband, her three children, a nurse and the nanny that she grew up with and also takes care of Nora’s children. In the film adaptation, Garland shows a shift in gender roles in the nineteenth century that are embedded within the visual text for the audience to see. Garland is showing that in the late 19th century, women ofRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The House On Mango Street Essay868 Words   |  4 PagesPadilla Adv L.A. 18 August 2016 The House On Mango Street In the novel â€Å"The House On Mango Street,† Sandra Cisneros shows the themes identity, family, and the house, through Esmeralda’s experiences. She demonstrates the theme of identity by telling the story of Esperanza, the main character, and how she finds out what identifies her from others. Cisneros reveals that Esperanza’s family helps her feel like she belongs to the house on Mango Street and not left out. The house is an important theme of theRead MoreThe House I Live In Movie Analysis1862 Words   |  8 Pagesyears. In the movie, it was stated, â€Å" every war begins with propaganda †¦[and] the war on drugs has never been actually on drugs†¦ [Additionally] drug laws are shaped less by scientific facts, but more by political [reasoning].† (Jarecki) The movie, The House I Live In, directly relates to certain themes and terminology that were discussed in Martin and Nakayama’s Intercultural Communication in Contexts book, that have b een used in class. Through the analyzing and comparing of The House I Live In and

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Catch-22 Theme of Insanity - 2799 Words

During the early nineteen forties, war was raging throughout the world. Countries sought to obliterate each other and eradicate all forms of existence outside of their own perimeter. While bombs were being dropped by the hundreds and bullets being fired by the thousands, families back home yearned for the safe return of their newly drafted instruments of war: their husbands and sons. The soldiers of the Fighting 256 Squadron fight their desperate battles against the odds, against the battles of fatigue and torture, against the deadening will to survive. Joseph Hellers masterpiece Catch-22 has enlightened generations of readers to the insanity caused by corrupt bureaucracy and the pseudo-law of Catch-22. Hellers creation of the†¦show more content†¦I live in the woodsÂ…Chief White Halfoat swore he was going to cut my throat some night when I was fast asleep, and I dont dare lie down in the squadron while hes still aliveÂ…and Major Major said he would cut my throat if I ever spoke to him again (Heller 287-88). Flume has migrated into the forest because he is so afraid of having his throat cut while he sleeps. He is undoubtedly crazy because of the extreme actions he has taken because of Major Major and Halfoats threats. In the end of the novel, Yossarian experiences some great enlightenment and decides to himself that his unbeatable problems can only be solved if he runs away from them. A war novel which ends with the desertion of the hero is obviously not heroic and Catch-22 is in fact a pretty thorough debunking job (Wain 46). Every officer the reader meets in the story is either an insane lunatic or a blockheaded fool. These maniac officers are an obvious influ ence to Yossarians reasoning for running away. They tried to trick him with their elaborate scheme of court-martialing him, at the end of the book, which is another influence to his running away. The only intelligent characters who show any great zeal for their duties are plainly ticketed as floperoos, duped into playing the game of General Dreedle, General Peckem, Lieutenant Scheisskopf and the rest of the Dickensian crew (Wain 46). Heller creates theShow MoreRelatedCatch 22 By Joseph Heller1203 Words   |  5 Pagesbook I read was Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. The book was published in 1961(Heller Joseph, Catch-22, copyright page). At the time of release it received nominations for best book of the year (1962 National Book Awards Winners and Finalists, The National Book Foundation.). The author s purpose with his book was to provide interesting commentary on war how ugly and crazy war can be but told in a humorous and satirical fashion. He also showed how it could drive people to insanity. Historically theRead MoreCatch 22- Insanity vs. Sanity1665 Words   |  7 PagesCatch-22 Insanity vs. Sanity Imagine being stuck in a box with absolutely no way out. Everyday becomes another struggle to escape only to find that you are being controlled and confined for no apparent reason. One would eventually let reality slip through their hands and welcome insanity into their empty minds. This is the life of the men in the novel Catch-22, by Joseph Heller. Catch-22 introduces a world were sanity and insanity have switch places, were the logical man is pronounced crazyRead MoreEssay on Catch 221089 Words   |  5 Pages In Catch-22, Joseph Heller reveals the perversions of the human character and society. Using various themes and a unique style and structure, Heller satirizes war and its values as well as using the war setting to satirize society at large. By manipulating the quot;classicquot; war setting and language of the novel Heller is able to depict society as dark and twisted. Heller demonstrates his depiction of society through the institution of war (i.e. its effects and pr oblems during and after war)Read More`` Catch 22, By Joseph Heller1788 Words   |  8 Pagesthe cruel bureaucracy within the military, influenced by his own experiences as a bombardier in World War II. In Heller’s satirical novel, Catch-22, he defines the infuriating, contradictory processes the military uses to run its soldiers’ lives and control their fates through his use of satirical dark humor, literary techniques, structure and various themes. Satire is woven throughout the novel to expose the faults of American institutions within the military, such as religion and war. ReligionRead More Catch 22 Essay1358 Words   |  6 Pagesjustification of what a catch-22 is. Insane behavior and the fight for freedom are both acts, which transpire in Catch 22. Yossarian, a squadron captain is in World War II flying a plane and fighting for his country. Though trying to get out, he knows there is only one way, and that would only get him â€Å"away† from all of the terror. This brings the reader to the theme of the play, escape. â€Å"Insanity is the only sane way to deal with an insane situation†(Heller 78). Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 explains an insightRead MoreCharacter Analysis of Yossarian in Catch 221328 Words   |  5 PagesYossarian is the main character of Catch-22, and one of just a few characters that get fleshed out during the story. Yossarian represents many of the themes and ideas of Catch-22, and pro vides a character that most people can sympathize with. Yossarian is continually worried about dying but at the same time continues to fly his missions so someone else doesn’t have to fly his for him. Yossarian thinks he is sane while everyone else is crazy; however everyone else thinks the exact opposite. He isRead More Essay on Language and Dialogue in Catch-221575 Words   |  7 PagesUse of Language and Dialogue Catch-22      Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Catch-22 is probably best discussed in terms of its language. The prose style Heller employs is original and distinctive, appropriate and well implemented (Pearson 277).† One application of that prose style is dialogue; Heller uses dialogue to manifest the themes of the novel. Some of the themes best shown in the dialogue of the characters are Hellers hatred of war, and his perceived idiocy in military and in bureaucracy. Scattered throughout theRead MoreHellers Use of Satire Within the Characters of Catch-22 Essay773 Words   |  4 PagesIt is frequently said that the novel Catch – 22 by Joseph Heller is about Heller’s opinion on war and lack of patriotism. Although it is understandable how one could grasp those concepts from the novel the main crux of the novel is for the reader to have noticed Heller’s use of satire within the characters. Also to be effected by Yosarrian’s evolution. Heller uses satire to portray his outlook o n war but also other aspects in society. The other aspects are value of life, misuse of power, women andRead MoreThe War Of War II Essay1119 Words   |  5 Pagesarisen in the novel, Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. This text shows that his inner conflict can be influenced by the happenings of the surrounding environment; however an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses can arise as a result of encountering this type of conflict although it has not happened yet. Catch-22 is a law that is defined in various ways throughout the novel. First, Yossarian discovers that it is possible to be discharged from military service because of insanity. Always looking forRead MoreMovie Analysis : Catch 22 1722 Words   |  7 Pages7. Climax (a) Description: Catch-22 has two climaxes which occur simultaneously. The first climax happens when Yossarian receives the choice by Colonel Cathcart: He can either go home, or face the court-martial. The exact details of the choice twist the decision so Yossarian will lose either way. If he goes home, the excuse his superiors make for discharging him in order to save face will include a tall tale, where Yossarian kills a Nazi spy, but not before the spy injures him horribly. In order

Friday, December 13, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods E-Commerce Website Free Essays

Kudler Fine Foods E-Commerce Website Kudler Fine Foods E-Commerce Website * Introduction â€Å"E Commerce is one of the most important facets of the Internet to have emerged in the recent times. Ecommerce or electronic commerce involves carrying out business over the Internet with the assistance of computers, which are linked to each other forming a network. To be specific, ecommerce would be buying and selling of goods and services and transfer of funds through digital communications† (Benefits of Ecommerce†,  2007). We will write a custom essay sample on Kudler Fine Foods E-Commerce Website or any similar topic only for you Order Now With the launch of Kudler Fine Foods new eCommerce solution quickly approaching, this is an exciting time for Kudler and its staff. The benefits of this expansion will not only increase revenue for the company, but afford the opportunity to create new jobs and provide a new range of services to all customers. From the customer’s perspective, everything will start from the Kudler Fine Foods homepage. The home page will maintain the original look and design, but the customer will notice two new additions when visiting. The first addition will be a â€Å"shop† link included in the navigation bar. This will bring the customer into the store’s inventory of items available for online purchase. These new features and services will now be explained, as well as a step by step walk through the customer will experience when making online purchases. Shop When Shop is selected in the navigation toolbar at the top of the website the user opens a new webpage. This webpage is the â€Å"shop† page where the user sees a dropdown box giving them the following categories to choose from: Bakery, Meat and Seafood, Produce, Cheese and Dairy and final Wine. After selecting the category the user will then click on the â€Å"shop† button to the right. They will then be sent that category webpage to make their purchases. Purchase of Items To purchase items the user will see the category webpage where there is a list of all the products offered for this category. Each item will have a description of the product and the price of each item. There is an â€Å"add† button at the end of each item description where the user can choose to purchase this item by â€Å"clicking† on the add button. At the top of each category page the user has the option to go to the other category pages by clicking on the â€Å"go to† button for each category listed on that button. At the bottom of each page there are two buttons to choose; View Cart and Checkout. View Cart View cart allows the user to see all the items that they have chosen to purchase. A list of each item with their price will be shown. At the end of each item row there is a â€Å"remove† button where the user can remove the item from the list. This is the only location the user can remove their items they have chosen to purchase. At the bottom of this page there are buttons to choose to go to the other category pages or to checkout page. If the user chooses to go to another category and selects and item from that page, it will be added to the view cart page. Even if the user goes all the way back to the â€Å"home† page they can start looking at other categories and each item will be added to the shopping cart where it can be seen on the view cart page. After the user has made all their choices to purchase, they can click on the â€Å"checkout† button at the bottom of the page to finalize their purchase. Checkout The checkout page is the final page the customer will need to go to in order to finish their purchase. Here the customer can see all of the items they have selected along with the total of the purchase they are about to make. It they want to remove an item they will need to go back to â€Å"view cart† where they can remove the item. Under the list and total of the items to be purchased, there is a form to fill out. This form is the Payment Information form needed to finish the purchase. Here the customer will input their Name, Address, Town/City, State and Zip code. Then they will select from the dropdown box which credit card they plan to use to make the purchase. After selecting the credit card, there is a box for the credit card number to be entered. After the customer enters in their credit card number, they can either choose the â€Å"submit† to finish the purchase or choose the â€Å"reset† button to clear out the form. If they choose to reset the form, the information will be deleted and they may begin a new ordering process. Marketing our website/promote website Marketing in e-commerce is just as important as the site itself. That brings us to how we can add code into our site to help make us more visible to search engines; meta data is what is used to make us visible to our customers. â€Å"Meta data is, quite simply, data about data. Your document is nothing but a piece of data for a search engine, and meta data helps describes and categorizes it. Webmasters place meta data inside their HTML documents, to help improve their ranking on search engines, and to help end-users locate their site† (â€Å"Marketing Your Website : Meta Data†,  1999). We will put a description meta tag and keyword metadata tag on each of the webpages we have made for the shopping feature. This way each category will be part of the web search when a customer is looking for one of our products. The metadata tags we are going to use will be the â€Å"description†, â€Å"keyword† (these will be on all webpages); â€Å"author†, â€Å"content-type†, â€Å"refresh† and â€Å"revised† tags (only one the shop page). The description tag lets you put the title of the page when the keyword tag is where you can put important keywords to be found when search engine can find it easier. The author tag shows all that look at our website who created it. The content-type tag shows what we used such as text, html and the UTF8. The refresh one allows the page to refresh at the time limit we set for each page. Then revised will show who ever has to update or modify the shopping pages will know when they were last done making it easier to keep up with the alterations. SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of optimizing a website so it will position well in search engines results. â€Å"This means designing your web pages so the search engines will find the right keywords in your web page content. Optimization is all about making sure the search engines will find information that will increase the chance of your page being included in search results†(â€Å"How to promote a website as part of the website design†, n. d. ). some ways to help in this area to make the site more visible include but not limited to include the main keywords in the website title, more keywords in the website description, keywords in the sidebar links, keywords in the content text, be sure all pages are reachable, and pages should be easy to navigate. A website can be submitted to search engines so they will know about it. This used to be a necessary step to notify search engines about new websites. Now search engines constantly monitor the Internet for new web pages (and changed web pages) so they will discover your website. â€Å"To ensure that your fresh content or site improvements don’t languish un-indexed, submit to Google an XML sitemap, which shows your site’s coding, each time you do an update. Google will help you correct any errors in the sitemap to make its indexing more accurate, and will crawl your site more often if you routinely send it XML sitemap updates. † (McElgunn, J. ) It is still a good idea to submit your website to all four major search engines (AOL, Google, MSN, and Yahoo) because these four primarily are the ones used for most Internet searches. Another way to increase the SEO for Kudler Fine Foods is with a Facebook page since they are used to get consumers from a social media. Creating a Facebook page for Kudler Fine Foods and getting the consumer to click on â€Å"like† on the page will boost the way the SEO ranks there website. Facebook is another way to notify customers of deals being offered so they will want to check them out on their website. More consumers viewing their website will move them to the top faster. We will add the Facebook logo to the top of each page so the customer can access it from the website. Publish/upload website Once the website has been created, the testing is complete, and the site is ready to go live we need to upload the files to our web server so our customers can start accessing and using the site. One easy option we can use is a program called FileZilla which uses an FTP (file transfer protocol) or we can use a web design product from the host that can upload all the files easily. With the FTP option we have to manually upload each file we want to use. If using a web design product it will upload everything you have at one time. â€Å"Be sure to thoroughly test the website after the upload to be sure all necessary files were successfully uploaded and work correctly. When you need to update a web page you can just upload that page (and related files) and the upload will overwrite the old files. NOTE – Some web design software products save web pages in their own unique file format and automatically convert the files to web format files (e. . HTML) when the upload/publish function is used. If you are going to use FTP software for your uploads, you will first need to do a save-as/export for the web page files to create HTML files. It is a good idea to save these files in a separate folder to make the FTP file selection easier as the web design unique format files do not need to be uploaded. Also, if you use FTP software for your uploads you must also uplo ad files and graphics used by the webpage† (â€Å"How To Publish/upload Web Pages†,  n. d. )†. Resource: Benefits of ecommerce. 2007). Retrieved from http://www. ecommerceprogram. com/ecommerce/benefits-of-ecommerce. asp How to publish/upload web pages. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. doawebsite. com/publish. html How to promote a website as part of the website design. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. doawebsite. com/promote. html Marketing your website : Meta Data. (1999). Retrieved from http://www. davidreilly. com/topics/electronic_commerce/web_marketing/meta-data. html McElgunn, J. Google Grabbers. Profit, Mar2008, Vol. 27 Issue1, p56-57, 2p. How to cite Kudler Fine Foods E-Commerce Website, Essay examples